living in triplicane

i have been living in triplicane for the past two and half months and it has been a really learning experience. i have been doing the daily washing and cleaning the accomodation. it is a one room accomodation and here another four families live around the room in the ground floor of the place. i am being kept company by the rats and mouses durng the night,when ever i keep any eatables in the floor by mistake. one day i had a fright of a life time, when i heard a scratching sound made by a hard object on plastic bags, and when i swithced on the light there was nothing, but when i again switched off the light the sound came . the rats sniff the eatables and come to eat. i had to keep the lights on always when ever i am here. and there is a slight breeze somedays. here there is no mosquitos here in triplicane and i can tell that this is the first few months in my life where i have lived with out any botheration of mosquiotoes. probably the presence of the sea breeze very near to the place of accomodation might be a reason.some body told me that the salty air acts as a deterrent to the presence of mosquitoes. further good drainage facilites and lack of stagnant water might also be another reason for the lack of mosquitoes.
