Leveraging Melloddy for making better use of computing resources in drug discovery process

While browsing through Twitter, came across Melloddy_imi which uses Distributed ledger technology to ensure that even competitors in the drug discovery business , collaborate to have a win win situation. this is achieved using the distributed ledger technology. say a pharma major is having a data set which needs computing resources at a scale, which would take couple of years to do if it did inhouse. there is an obvious concern on data security while transferring data on the net. both the above issues can be taken care of by Melloddy. if i'm correct. the huge cloud computing resources available with service providers, IT majors and pharma majors can be leveraged for the above stated purpose.benefit of the above arrangement can be faster resolution of issues resulting in early delivery of molecule to the market. lesser cost to the company. moreover in the healthcare industry , the sheer cost of drug discovery is forcing apparent competitors to join hands and opt for a joint partnership in the drug development process. 
