it has been close to three months since we moved from Silvassa to Chennai after spending close to two years. The first major difference being the weather. In Silvassa, one could experience, spring, autumn and winter very clearly. Here it is only Summer in various shades and Winter somewhat, which is an excuse for rainy season. Silvassa being the headquarters of Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, has a well deifed canal system, through which water is routed to the fields and houses. the local call the canals ,nehar. The Daman ganga river has been dammed nearby and water is routed through extensive canal system for irrigation purposes. There are close to two thousand factories located inside the Silvassa land area. It's basically a factory town and the population is young and migrating always. Since there are shifts in factories, people are always on the roads, except between midnight and three o clock in the early morning.